Guardian SunGuard®High Durable (HD) glass is a high durability sputter coated solar control glass. The product provides all the optical clarity and energy performance that is traditionally associated with sputtered coatings. The durable coating is based on highly resistant materials that enable the glass to be used monolithically, only when applied on the inside surface. The handling and fabrication characteristics are comparable to any other product available for monolithic glass applications. Typical applications include the outer glass of double skin facades, ventilated glazing, spandrel panels, glass louvres and external shading fins for solar control shading purposes.
Guardian SunGuard® HD Plus Blue provides great solar insulation for your project, as well as vibrant colour. Solar insulation will help reduce electricity costs as well as increase occupant comfort. The stunning blue colour will add character to your project.
Product Information THICKNESS 3 - 12 mm
APPLICATIONS Facades Windows Doors Curtain Walls Roofs Skylights
MANUFACTURING OPTIONS Tempered Laminated Bent Heat Soaked Heat Strengthened
AVAILABLE SIZES Maximum Height x Width: 3210 x 6000 mm
RECOMMENDED COATING POSITIONS Monolithic: 2 Double glazed: 2
APPLICATION TYPE Can be used in: Monolithic or Insulating Glass Unit
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