Use Steel Channel Trim or Edge Trim as a closure strip at edges of Greenscreen panels. Recommended on panel edges adjacent to pedestrian traffic or where edge reinforcement is required for special mounting conditions. #5104 Steel Channel Trim or #5105 Steel Edge Trim can be added to panels in multiple configurations. #5104 Steel Channel Trim is not recommended for the bottom of panels where water pooling may be an issue.
By contacting Greenscreen, you will be working with a highly trained team with architecture, construction and landscape architecture experience that can help you with design and value engineering concerns or answer your specific project related questions. Project managers will guide you through the estimating, ordering, fabrication, delivery and installation phases so that your projects are delivered on time and within budget.
Design Tools
Greenscreen has available an updated catalog with all of the technical information that you need to design and specify green facade walls into projects.
Appropriate plant material selection is critical to the long term success of your green facade wall project and a recommended plant list based upon the new USDA Hardiness Zone Map is available for your reference.
With over 7000 installations worldwide, Greenscreen
has the experience and knowledge that you need to educate clients about green facade walls. Over 175 vertical market case studies are available to include in your client’s presentation.
As a product manufacturer, Greenscreen
supports the commitment and vision of design professionals to incorporate low impact, environmentally sensitive building practices and promote sustainable design principles by providing critical reviews of credit contributions to the LEED and SITES™ programs including a downloadable Recycled Content Declaration.
Continuing Education Tools
In an effort to help further the knowledge of our design partners, the Greenscreen Education Series – Research Reviews presents a series of briefs composed as summaries about important issues supported by international research efforts.
Accredited continuing education units (CEU) can be obtained from AEC Daily, Hanley Wood University and McGraw Hill Construction’s Continuing Education Center as well as the Considerations for Advanced Green Facade Design White Paper available on our website.
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