As the leading single source manufacturer of structural glass panel systems, LITEFLOOR® offers unique and innovative product lines that can be designed into virtually any type of application to meet almost all structural, slip resistant and aesthetic design criteria.
LITEFLOOR is a walkable laminated safety glass with optional slip-resistant properties and/or structural integrity.
LITEFLOOR IGU- Double or Triple Glazed options available.
Depending on the respective particular requirements of the application there are two types (LITEFLOOR R and CL) and various compositions available:
LITEFLOOR FRIT A laminated glass of usually two sheets of structural layers of glass with a third slip-resistance partially transparent / translucent top layer. Coloured, transparent or opaque interlayers are also optional.
LITEFLOOR GRIT Special Slip-resistance using clear glass beads infused into the glass.
LITEFLOOR CR With out slip-resistance A laminate of two or more sheets of annealed, heat-strengthen or tempered glass without slip-resistance surface. Vision-protection can be achieved using opaque interlayer options.
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