The Flat and 1/4" Drop tiles are the installation work horses of Qwel ceiling tiles. Either of these tiles may be used when tiles need to be cut to size for any partial panel size around a room perimeter or to provide clearance for ceiling mounted objects such as sprinklers and sensors.
The Flat tile sits above the grid system and may be installed throughout a room or as a complimentary visual aesthetic to other Qwel tile designs.
Qwel™designer acoustic tiles help you design environments that make a statement while naturally managing sound. It’s the right combination of bold style and deep calm to welcome people in while fostering productivity and wellbeing. Thoughtfully made of non-woven PET fibers and recycled materials, Qwel designer acoustic tiles are especially eco-friendly. And because they’re easy to install, durable and safe, they’ll make an impression that lasts. Designed and Manufactured in the U.S.A.
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