The Gemstone 1812-HVO Vanity, specifically desined for Heathcare, is the culmination of design and function inspired by architects and designers who love the 1812-VO but need an offset drain to help prevent splashback. With the revelation in Toronto in 2011 that Pseudomanas aeruginosa can live in the drains of sinks and can potentially be introduced into a patient room via splashback from a faucet water hitting the drain, the 1812-HVO has an offset drain to prevent the potential problem. The depth of the bowl allows for easy ADA applications all the way to 17” depths, and will conform to the AODC in Ontario. The 1812-HVO has a smooth overflow tube which maximizes infection control in applications in a bowl requiring an overflow. Gemstone Sinks are compatible and warranted when used with all major solid surface sheet brands (acrylic and polyester) with the same sheet warranties.
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