Run your business more efficiently. Tork Xpressnap Fit® dispensers are ideal for small chains and independent restaurants that offer napkins at the table or on counter. Our most compact Xpressnap system ever has one-at-a-time napkin dispensing with similar savings in waste and napkins. Tork Xpressnap Fit® not only serves more guests between refills – compared to fast fold and counter fold systems – it also cuts inventory space and reduces un-used napkins thrown-away by more than half.
-A full size napkin is folded to fit the small footprint dispenser.
-AD-A-Glance® customizable display window serves as an advertising tool to promote your business.
-A durable and easy to clean dispenser reduces time for maintenance and protects napkins from dirt and spills.
-The level indicator shows when it is time to refill, enabling 100% napkin availability. No more running out of napkins during peak times of day.
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