Aerated autoclaved cellular concrete blocks GASBETON® EVOLUTION are an innovative produtct that anticipated today performance in past building, from acoustic, mechanical and fire-resistance standards.They can be used for internal partition walls and for external infill walls, even for structural masonry walls too (in low hazard seismic zones, like 4th Italian seismic zone). With a dry density of 480 kg/m³, aerated autoclaved cellular concrete blocks GASBETON® EVOLUTION offer a dry thermal conductivity equal to 0.11 W/mK, in order to satisfy standard requirements in all climate zones.
Cellular concrete, autoclaved cellular concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, aerated autoclaved cellulare concrete, aerated autoclaved cellular concrete block, thermal insulation, thermal inertia, breathable, soundproofing, fire resistant, light, ecological, green building, recyclable, brick, wall, infill, casing, closure, non structural, partition, partition wall, involucre, casing
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