Aerated autoclaved concrete blocks GASBETON® ENERGY were created to meet, with a very simple solution, at the increasingly demanding buildings, offering masonry that with a single process ensure compliance with the most stringent requirements in terms of thermal performance, both winter and summer, already at starting from a thickness of only 30 or 35 cm depending on the climate zones. The goal is achieved thanks to a construction system that involves the use of aerated autoclaved cellular concrete rectified blocks, to be laid with a very thin layer of adhesive mortar (1.5 mm thick), while minimizing laying errors and thermal bridges.
Cellular concrete, autoclaved cellular concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, aerated autoclaved cellulare concrete, aerated autoclaved cellular concrete block, thermal insulation, thermal inertia, breathable, soundproofing, fire resistant, light, ecological, green building, recyclable, brick, wall, infill, casing, closure, non structural
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