Extremely light and strong blocks of aerated autoclaved cellular concrete GASBETON® ACTIVE offers excellent performances both in winter and in summer to create exterior walls of nZEB and passive buildings without the addition of thermal coats.
This is possible due to the reduction of the density of aerated autoclaved cellular concrete blocks up to 300 Kg/m3 which allows to obtain an excellent value of dry thermal conductivity λ10dry: 0.070 W / mK, maintaining unchanged all the valuable typical characteristics of autoclaved aerated cellular concrete, true eco-sustainable, breathable material, resistant to fire, earthquake and noise.
Cellular concrete, autoclaved cellular concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, aerated autoclaved cellulare concrete, thermal insulation, thermal inertia, breathable, soundproofing, fire resistant, light, ecological, green building, recyclable, brick, wall, infill, casing, closure, non structural
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