EGGER edgebands are designed to cover the exposed edges of our wood-based panels, giving them a clean, durable finish. Choose an edge that matches the panel or make the edge a design element with our creative solutions.
For perfect finishes, all of our decors have a matching ABS thermoplastic edgeband solution, with over 3,000 edgeband references available in stock. Our end grain wood edgebands perfectly reproduce the cross section of a tree trunk, showing the annual rings, for the most authentic result and available in several decors selected for their imitation wood veneer effect. Finally, our ABS & PMMA creative edgebands highlight a particular depth effect with original decors for a trendy design: combining creative edgebands with plain, imitation wood or material decors offers unlimited creativity. Not all edgeband thicknesses and dimensions apply to all decors.
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Европа |
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Аландские острова |
Албания |
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о-в Мэн |
Папский Престол (Государство-город Ватикан) |
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