Door frame for flush-to-wall double hinged door
ECLISSE Syntesis Line Battente Double is the solution that allows the installation of a double swing door flush with the wall, with no jambs and architraves.
The frame is universal for masonry and plasterboard walls and is primed to be painted together with the wall without additional steps.
It can accommodate wooden doors and glass doors.
Wooden door panels supplied by ECLISSE are equipped with an adjustable internal tie rod to maintain a constant coplanarity with the wall.
It is also available in the single-leaf version ECLISSE Syntesis Line Battente.
When paired with ECLISSE paintable door panels (supplied already primed), it matches perfectly with the rest of the ECLISSE product line of paintable flush-to-wall products:
Whether with paint or wallpaper, it is possible to customise flush doors, access panels, hatches and skirting boards to meet every practical need and furnish an entire room in complete freedom.
Attention: ECLISSE products have country-specific dimensions.
Download the file with the corresponding country extension or contact the company for further information.
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