Crane Motion Assist 360 Series Revolving Doors
Crane revolving doors set the standard for timeless design aesthetics. The introduction of our Crane Motion Assist 360 allows building owners to realize touch-free entrance into their buildings, making it easier and safer for pedestrians of all abilities to use revolving doors. This new, low energy, state of the art drive system provides an intuitive experience while preserving the architectural vision for the building.
Classified as a manual revolving door, Crane Motion Assist 360 offers three (3) different operation modes, allowing you to choose the best operation method for your building. Depending on the traffic flow of your building, a simple turn of the key can change the operation mode from Manual to Power Assist or to Low Energy Automatic – providing the industries only touch-free manual revolving door experience. Motion Assist 360 delivers an unsurpassed user experience in a singular solution.
Variations Available:
Object filename indicates wall attachment configuration type: A thru L (see diagram)
Revit wall types: Solid Wall, SW or Curtain Wall, CW.
CAD DWG format files available online.
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