Feka VS Grinder is a submersible pump with shredder designed for lifting and transferring sewage from domestic wastewater. The pump is certified to the European Union standard EN 12050-1 which applies to lifting systems for waste water containing faecal material in buildings and construction sites. Thanks to the shredder, the pump is suitable for systems with small diameter pipes or in system that require high pressures. The shredder of Feka VS Grinder is in AISI 630 stainless steel. The seal holder cover, the motor casing, the cap and the handle are in steel stainless steel, while the pump body and the base of the pump are in cast iron. Standard thermo-amperometric protection for the single-phase version with capacitor inserted as standard, the three-phase version has a thermal protection which can be connected to a control panel. Construction according to CEI 2-3 CEI 61-69 (EN 60335-2-41) standards.
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