The Detectors Incorporated Model D381 UV/3-IR Multi -Spectrum Flame Detector is the most advanced optical flame optical flame detector designed to respond to Hydrocarbon, Non-Hydrocarbon, and Hydrogen fires while rejecting False Alarm sources. The D381 detectors sense UV radiation in the Ultraviolet spectrum and Infrared radiation in 3 discrete bands of IR spectrum for detecting fires. Flame response and false source rejection for the D381 models is accomplished by utilizing the Convolution Method and Advanced DSP (Digital Signal Processing) in conjunction with hard coded algorithms identifying specific wavelengths of energy. The detector is able to respond to Hydrocarbon and Non-Hydrocarbon fires at a distance of 80+ feet. All this while rejecting False sources.
The D381 detector is designed for a multitude of applications. The detector will respond to a 1 ft. x 1 ft. n-Heptane or IPA fires from 200 feet within approximately 3-5 seconds. The Model D381 is a high-speed flame detector designed specifically for liquid spray paint and powder coating applications or anywhere a fast detection time is required. The Models D381 series are standalone fire & flame detectors in watertight NEMA 4 (IP66/67) Aluminum enclosure. The detectors feature automatic self-test for continuously checking the optical path integrity while monitoring the electronics to ensure utmost reliable operation and fault reporting.
The detectors are supplied with Alarm / Auxiliary / Fault relays, and RS485 outputs. They can store 200 events and 6 FireGraphs in their FRMA memory. Heater and 0-20 mA analog outputs are options available.
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