Modular High-Density Racking System (HDRS) for network cross-connect. HDRS is a well-engineered cross connect and hosting platform that offers you a high level of versatility and flexibility in systems design for ultimate network density and management. These high-reliability products have been designed specifically for networking environments - from telecom closets to world-class data centers - to help you make the best use of valuable real estate and simplify MACs (moves, adds and changes).
One standard hand tools are required for quick installation and simple field reconfiguration and modification, Designed to work seamlessly with Belden IBDN copper and fiber systems, cable management fingers align with the rack RUs for easy routing of patch cords to vertical managers, eliminating the need for horizontal managers, High level of modularity enables ease of removal of reconfiguring Belden's wide selection of accessories and components, Interchangeable cable retention gates, doors, fingers and accessories adapt to specific needs.
Available in high or low density, finger sections can be easily removed during reconfigurations and easily replaced as needed., High-density 11RU sections are riveted into the vertical managers and align with the rack units, Designed to handle both copper and optical fiber structured cable networks, 1/4" diameter mounting holes along length of each vertical manager enable easy attachment of accessories, like cable bundle fasteners, Cable can be easily routed from one patch panel to another within the same rack, to the back of the rack or to an adjacent rack while still maintaining proper cable bend radius.
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