The Movare™ Movable Single Glazed Partition System is perfect for creating a pleasing temporary space. Some features include: multiple parking positions, end panels can be free swing pivot door access, floor bolts lock panels in position and spring closure wall panel.
The Movare™ Movable Single Glazed Wall System is the ideal solution to efficiently create pleasing temporary interior office and/or commercial space by providing the option to open or enclose large areas when necessary. This system allows multiple parking configurations, end panels which are free swing pivot door access, floor bolts to lock the panels into position and spring closure wall panels.
The maximum panel height is 12’-0”, maximum panel width is 36” (panels may be larger with engineering). Track Configurations may be center or end fold; with single point, twin point or heavy duty roller options. Panel parking options are single point or twin tracks (offset). Glazing options include: Tempered, Tempered Laminated. Standard frame finishes include: polyester powder coated finish (RAL), brushed finish, stainless steel finish and custom finishes are also available.
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