The SKB STYROTERM top-mounted roller shutter system is a highly technologically advanced solution, which was developed with a view to improving the energy balance of the building. Research at a renowned research institute IFT ROSENHEIM has shown that the proposed solution has an extremely low thermal transmittance coefficient (Usb already from 0.29 W/m²K), which places the system in the first place among other products of this type. As in the case of the Opoterm system, the installation of roller shutters involves direct installation of the shutter box on the window frame by means of an appropriately selected adaptation profile. Aluprof’s offer includes several options, which are adjusted to 90% of profiles available on the market. The SKB Styroterm system has been designed to be completely insulated, so that the shutter box remains an unnoticeable element of the building façade.
The main element of this product is a shutter box, which was made of a material specially designed according to Aluprof’s requirements, characterized by very good thermal properties. It is available in two sizes: 260 x 260mm and 300 x 300mm. Installation of the shutter box is very quick and easy. It is based on direct attachment of the shutter box on the window frame by means of an appropriately selected adaptive profile (by snapping-in or inserting). The use of this type of construction allows for its installation both in newly erected buildings, as well as in those that already exist during replacement of window joinery. The SKB STYROTERM top-mounted system provides for the possibility of installing special steel reinforcements of the shutter box (the so-called fixed consoles), which is aimed at ensuring proper and stable functioning of the roller shutters, especially in the case of large dimensions. These reinforcements are characterized by a simple construction, and their shape does not interfere with the components of the roller shutter. In addition, these elements are insulated by means of so-called fittings. Well thought-out construction of the system allows to fit a single roller shutter as well as a set of roller shutters in one shutter box.
Roller shutters in SKB STYROTERM system can be equipped with insect screen installed in the shutter box. Due to the click technology it is very fast and easy to install. The advantage of the new product is also the possibility to choose the revision flap from the inside or outside of the room. In the case of the latter, there has been a significant improvement in relation to the solutions used on the market. The frequently used revision flap in the form of an angle screwed to the window frame has been replaced by a snap-in aluminium profile, which ensures a non-intrusive installation. The aluminium profile is snapped-in directly into the bottom profile of the shutter box. This solution ensures the appropriate stiffness of the revision flap and, what is more, allows for the colour matching with the woodwork or façade, as the profile can be painted with any colour from the RAL palette. The well-thought-out system design makes it possible to use the mechanism of façade shutters in the box. Assembly of the guide channel is very quick and easy. In the SKB STYROTERM system it is possible to use profiles with polyurethane foam and PVC.
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о-в Мэн | Монголия | Сальвадор | Мали | ||
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Польша | Непал | Сен-Мартен | Мозамбик | ||
Португалия | Объединенные Арабские Эмираты | Сен-Пьер и Микелон | Намибия | ||
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Сан-Марино | Пакистан | Сент-Люсия | о. Маврикий | ||
Северная Македония | Палестина | Синт-Мартен | о. Св. Елены | ||
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Фарерские о-ва | Таиланд | Сенегал | |||
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Хорватия | Турция | Сьерра-Леоне | |||
Черногория | Узбекистан | Танзания | |||
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Шпицберген | Япония | Центральноафриканская Республика | |||
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Экваториальная Гвинея | |||||
Эритрея | |||||
Эсватини | |||||
Эфиопия | |||||
Южная Африка | |||||
Южный Судан |