Looking for a slip-resistant floor that also provides aesthetic appeal? Altro Illustra is a trailblazer in the commercial flooring industry, combining design-led style, function, and safety underfoot.
Altro Illustra offers a range of attractive possibilities, from nature-inspired stone to modern textile designs. Whether you're creating a calming patient room, a cozy residential care home, an inspiring classroom, or a welcoming retail space, Altro Illustra is the ideal choice to bring your vision to life with contemporary elegance.
Experience the convenience of Altro Illustra with its integrated Altro Easyclean™ technology, making cleaning and maintenance a breeze. You'll also enjoy maintenance cost savings while preserving the integrity of the slip-resistant surface.
For added installation convenience, Altro Illustra can be specially ordered in an adhesive-free construction. Please inquire with your sales representative for more information on adhesive-free Altro Illustra.
Style, functionality and underfoot safety converge in Altro Illustra, ushering in a new era of flooring excellence.
Typical applications
Works well with
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