Our Model N151 nonautomatic Effluent Pump is designed to remove unwanted water in septic effluent applications. It is an ideal choice in high pressure or high flow applications. The professional-grade, 1/3 HP Model 151 is known for its dependability. The N151 is a nonautomatic pump requiring a piggyback float switch or control panel for operation. Either option allows you to set the on and off point of the pump in the field. This is ideal in an application with a deep sump pit or pump tank.
The Model 151’s motor housing, and pump housing are each constructed of cast iron. The corrosion resistant engineered plastic vortex impeller has a smooth surface allowing water and solids to pass freely through the pump. The pump’s identification tag, handle, and hardware are made of non-corrodible stainless steel. This attention to detail ensures that the Model 151 is able to withstand the most demanding applications.
Every pump is submerged in water and tested to its published performance curve, ensuring it meets your expectations and delivers peace of mind right-out-of-the-box.
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