Walker has partnered with Pilkington North America to offer AviProtek® T, an effective yet discrete bird friendly glass solution. This product line combines AviProtek® bird friendly acid etched glass markers with pyrolytic coatings from Pilkington. The result: first-surface patterns that are visible to birds but barely perceptible to humans. These patterns meet the industry-accepted 2×4 rule endorsed by leading scientists. This transparent product can be used as a surface 1 component in insulated units and can be paired with a low-e glass on surface 3.
AviProtek® T is well suited for use in guard rails, linkways, and shelters. This product can also help with project certification under LEED® and other green building rating systems. Like other Walker products, AviProtek® T bird friendly glass comes with a 10-year warranty against surface degradation and is supported by EPD and HPD® documentation.
For applications that require a low-e coating on surface 2, you may prefer our AviProtek® E bird friendly glass options.
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