The Troy "Caliber" Acoustics system for indoor and outdoor shooting ranges consists of Troy’s Portland Cement wood fiber boards, Mineral wool, metal furring elements and fasteners. It is the only system rated EXCELLENT for acoustics by the US Army Corps of Engineers in a small-arms range study. Designed to maintain a 1.5 second reverberation time, the Troy System is compliant with the military standard, UFC 4-179-02, for indoor ranges. For outdoor ranges, the Troy system helps mitigate sound that would otherwise be intrusive to neighbors.
The Troy system passed a USAF test as anti-ricochet and anti-splatter. Troy Boards are anti-microbial and are UL batch-tested to rate zero (0) smoke-developed and zero (0) flame-spread. Humidity proof, Troy Boards stand up well to the elements.
To achieve maximum results, Troy recommended designs for indoor ranges include full treatment of walls, ceilings and baffles.
Keywords: decibel reduction, mitigation, acoustics, acoustical, reverb, reverberation, OSHA, compliant, UFC, USACE, loud noise, nuisance, USAF, noise exposure,
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