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Sun shade with clip-on blades for vertical installation - Canicule range
Sun shade with clip-on blades for vertical installation - Canicule range
Sun shade with clip-on blades for vertical installation - Canicule range
Sun shade with clip-on blades for vertical installation - Canicule range
Sun shade with clip-on blades for vertical installation - Canicule range
Sun shade with clip-on blades for vertical installation - Canicule range

    Sun shade with clip-on blades for vertical installation - Canicule range

    4.3 out of 5 stars4.3(11 reviews)
    Blades of the Canicule range are simple profiles in extruded aluminum. They are mainly used for: brise-soleil, screen facade cladding. Finally, they are available in 6 different sections. Other shapes and sections upon request.
    • The brise-soleil Canicule (with a vertical installation) is composed of :
      ›› Support profiles ;
      ›› Blades’ supports with a 30° or 45° inclination ;
      › ›Blades in C shape.

      Dimensioning of the supports is defined after studies.
      Standard blade and fascia profile lengths are 5000 and 6000 mm (other lengths available upon request).

      The vertical installation and interlocking blades type of application provide a simple and quick way to install your brise-soleil :
      1) The blades’ supports are delivered preassembled on the support profiles;
      2) The support profiles equipped with blades’ supports are to be fixed onto the facade (wall, structure, etc.);
      3) The blades are to be clipped on their supports;
      4) Assembly at the customer’s charge.

      Blades’ junction: Splicing bar system for blades C100 et C100Z (see diagram) - splicing bar system for brackets C100C, C130 and C180.

    Техническая спецификация
    • Уникальная ссылкаTEL010010
    • Тип продукцииSolar shading
    • Группа продукцииBrise-soleil à lames clipsables pose verticale
    • ТипОбъект (один объект)
    • Дата публикации2019-11-25
    • Номер версии1
    • Основной материалАлюминий
    • Вспомогательный материалАлюминий
    • Разработано вФранция
    • Страна-производительФранция
    • Категория BIMobjectСтроительство - Shading Systems

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