Unforgettable images to match the largest creative ambitions
The ZRD-C12A modular display cabinet combines advanced Micro LED technology with the powerful "X1™ for Crystal LED" processor to create bigger, bolder, more attention-grabbing visual experiences.
Offering spectacular 1,000,000:1 contrast and a high brightness of 800 cd/m2, the ZRD-C12A is ideal for presenting immersive HDR content in a wide range of environments, including corporate lobbies, showrooms, boardrooms, museums, galleries, and other public spaces. Cutting-edge picture-processing technologies ensure immersive large-scale images with industry-leading clarity and color.
The ZRD-C12A features a resolution of 480 x 270 dots, with a pixel pitch of 1.26 mm.
The borderless design of each energy-efficient Micro LED panel allows multiple ZRD-C12A cabinets to be tiled seamlessly, creating super-size high resolution displays with virtually any dimensions or aspect ratio—and no bezels or visible gaps. The slim, light Micro LED panels are easy to install and maintain without requiring special skills or complex equipment.
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