Thrilling pictures with 4K clarity for visitor attractions and entertainment applications
From museums and galleries to planetariums and other visitor attractions, the VPL-GTZ270 laser projector impresses audiences with a powerful 5,000 lm light output for vibrant, high-contrast images bursting with rich color and 4K detail. And with whisper-quiet fan noise, it won't disturb your audience's enjoyment of the show. The long-lasting laser light source is combined with 4K SXRD panel technology to deliver crisply detailed native 4K images (4096 x 2160) with more than four times the resolution of Full HD.
Picture quality is further enhanced by Reality Creation upscaling, plus support for HDR (High Dynamic Range) and extended color space to take full advantage of today's premium 4K content — and tomorrow's.
The VPL-GTZ270 is particularly suitable for demanding multi-projection applications in 2D or 3D, with consistently homogeneous brightness that is a result of the laser light source.
The highly efficient laser light source is rated for a nominal 20,000 hours (up to 40,000 hrs in constant brightness mode), for virtually zero maintenance without the need for any lamp exchanges. Long term reliability is assured further by dust-sealed optics.
Installers will also appreciate the projector's auto calibration, compatibility with leading AV room automation systems, and a robust chassis that can be installed at any angle for maximum flexibility.
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