These compact, elegantly styled laser projectors showcase cutting-edge Sony picture innovation, reliable operation and installation-friendly features, making them ideal for high-brightness projection applications in mid-size corporate, education, and public environments.
Bright, very high-contrast images
The projectors’ advanced laser light source is complemented by a newly developed 0.76-in LCD panel with incorporated optical compensator. Combined with powerful signal processing technology, this ensures crisp, bright images (6,500 lumens VPL-FHZ75, 5,500 lumens VPL-FHZ70) with ∞:1 contrast and beautifully stable, accurate color.
Advanced picture refinement technologies
Impressive picture quality is boosted by Sony’s unique super-resolution Reality Creation technology. This uses a powerful pattern-matching database to optimize lower-resolution images, enhancing clarity without increasing digital picture noise.
Faster, simpler setup
Sony’s Intelligent Setting function simplifies installation, with presets that adjust brightness, cooling system, color, and other projector settings for optimal performance in meeting/classrooms, museums, entertainment venues, and multi-screen setups.
Stylish blend-in design
The slim, stylish body design features a flat top surface that blends discreetly into any space when the projector is ceiling mounted. The clean appearance is accentuated by a new terminal cover that reduces cable clutter.
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