Brighter images in bigger venues
Captivate your audience in conference halls, lecture theaters, galleries, museums, visitor attractions and other large spaces. Very high light output (13,000 lumens VPL-FHZ131L, 10,000 lumens VPL-FHZ101L, 9,000 lumens VPL-FHZ91L) ensures big-screen presentations with extra presence, even in brightly lit rooms.
Get closer to reality
Impressive picture quality is boosted by Sony’s unique super resolution Reality Creation technology. This uses a powerful pattern-matching database to optimize lower-resolution images, enhancing clarity without increasing digital picture noise.
Faster, fuss-free set-up
Save time with Sony’s Intelligent Setting function that simplifies installation with pre-sets to optimize brightness, cooling, color and other projector settings. You’ll be rewarded with great pictures in any environment — including meeting/classrooms, museums, entertainment venues and multi-screen setups.
For more flexible installation
Don’t restrict your thinking. You’ll appreciate an industry-leading lens shift adjustment range and a wide choice of interchangeable lenses, giving more options to install the projector in any space, including classrooms and halls with high ceilings. For extra flexibility, the VPLL-Z4107 short-throw lens is ideal when positioning the projector close to the screen to avoid ceiling-mounted obstructions.
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