A below-grade expansion joint system, Sika Emseal BG System can be installed onto the exterior of free-standing foundation and tunnel walls, against the retaining wall (blind-side) on one-sided formed walls, and sub floor joints, prior to casting concrete against lagging or prepared sub floor base.
BG System features heavy-duty, extruded multiple-cell thermoplastic gland, with dual flanges for a secure tie-in to the waterproofing system. The flanges are sandwiched within, welded, or adhered to layers of the below-grade waterproofing membrane. The assembly is secured to the structure with mechanically-fastened termination bars.
The BG System is integrated into the waterproofing membrane using accessories offered by the waterproofing membrane manufacturer. It is heat-weldable, uniquely ensuring continuity of seal through factory-welded transitions and terminations.
• Watertight system for below-grade, backfilled wall expansion joints
• Watertight system for expansion joints installed into blind side of single-sided formed walls and under-slab
• High movement capacity
• Redundant sealing to waterproofing capability
• Double-level membrane integration flanges
• Welds to PVC based membranes
• Rubber, mod-bit, cold applied liquid, or hot-rubberized asphalt membranes can be adhered to the BG flanges
• Redundant fastening—bonded and mechanical
• Heat welded transitions at tees, crosses, outside & inside-90’s
• Watertight transition to EMSEAL wall joints
• Watertight transition to FP plaza deck joints in hardscape decks
• Watertight transitions to RoofJoint in green roofs, vegetative roofs, and plaza decks
• Supplied BG System includes necessary termination bar and fasteners when required for installation.
For use at structural expansion joints in foundation and tunnel walls, both backfilled and blind side construction, and under slab.
• Cast concrete walls where access to the exterior is possible (backfilled conditions)
• Cast concrete walls where access to the exterior is not possible after concrete placement – i.e. blindside (single-side forming conditions)
• Tunnel under slab conditions (slab is cast onto waterproofing membrane and BG System)
Where the waterproofing and expansion joint continue from the wall under the floor slab, the BG System would be installed under the floor slab and transition, via a factory-welded outside corner, to BG System installed at the exterior of wall joints.
For vertical joints continuing above finished grade, the BG System would transition at grade to Seismic Colorseal or Emshield WFR joint seals.
Where the below grade expansion joint transitions to a horizontal deck joint at or below grade: In softscapes the BG System would transition to RoofJoint and waterproofing at the structural deck. In hardscapes and split-slabs, the BG would transition to an FP (For Plaza) system.
BG-0200: 2-3 inches | 50-75mm
BG-0400: 3-5 inches | 75-125mm
BG-0600: 5-7 inches | 125-175mm
Larger custom sizes may be available to suit a specific application. Consult EMSEAL.
BG-0200: 2 1/2-inches | 60mm
BG-0400: 5-inches | 125mm
BG-0600: 7-inches (min) | 175mm
For questions regarding movement in a specific condition, consult EMSEAL.
Black or white
U.S. Patents
US Patent: 9,850,662
US Patent: 9,322,163
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