Bay and Bow Windows create a focal point and add character and charm to your home. These three-dimensional combinations enhance the architectural detail of your building's exterior, as they expand interior space, light and views. A new Bay or Bow Window can make any room more interesting, more personal and more livable.
Sierra Pacific Bay Windows are available in 30°, 45° or 90° angles and feature a center picture unit with your choice of flanking double hung or casement windows. Our Bow Windows are composed of four, five or six window units mulled together at a 10° angle to create a graceful sweeping curve.
The design possibilities are endless. Bay or Bow windows can create additional space above a kitchen sink, provide additional seating in a dining nook or, in a floor to ceiling application, open up additional living space.
All bay and bow units regardless of window type are furnished factory assembled. Assembly includes the application of 3/4" birch plywood head and seat board for units up to 120" wide. For any unit over 120" wide, 1" finger jointed, edge glued Ponderosa Pine head and seat board will be applied.
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Виргинские Острова |
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