Profile selection, profile combinations and standardised system components guarantee a logical and therefore cost-effective SYNEGO SLIDE production.
The ROTO INOWA, G-U PSL, HAUTAU MOVE, WINKHAUS duoPort AS and the SIEGENIA ECO SLIDE CO hardware systems can be installed in SYNEGO SLIDE without additional preassembly or work steps.
High-quality surfaces
Smooth and weather-proof surfaces in the standard version can be improved further by painting, through a large selection of foil lamination types, as well as an externally fitted aluminium cover profile.
Frame profile
The construction depth of the frame profile is 156 mm. The corner connection can be made using either a mechanical connector or by welding.
Optimum thermal insulation
Thanks to the optimum design, the SYNEGO SLIDE system achieves good thermal insulation.
This means that an average heat transfer coefficient Uf of 1.3 W/m2K is achieved.
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