Ever growing in popularity as the best-selling drive through window, the 600 series window with Transom or Air Curtain is specified by many large chains for its quality construction, energy efficiency, security, and adaptability to site-specific needs. Choose the appropriate glass for your drive thru window project, then add a transom for more light and visibility, a heated air curtain, or an unheated fly fan depending on the climate/local code.
All configurations fit a common 4”w x 5” rough opening, making this an ideal drive through window solution for multi-unit operators in different geographic zones.
Optional sidelights add visibility and light.
Choose (2) 18”w sidelights or (1) 36” sidelight to fit popular overall RO of 7’w x 5’h
Anodized aluminum extrusions and ¾” glazing options combine to give you an attractive window that not only enhances building exteriors, it will not rust, pit or weather. Track free bottom sill provides for a contaminant free surface. Bottom still is angled downward to ensure rain, sleet and snow are deflected away from the interior and includes a security lip. Self-latches every time it closes so it cannot be pushed open from the outside. Also includes a thumb turn lock and night locking bar.
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