1-1/2 Hour - Combination Fire Smoke Damper
Side Panel - Front Access
The FSD-141-SP combination fire smoke damper employs triple-V blades for point-of-origin control of fire and smoke in static and dynamic smoke management systems. These specialty dampers are approved for installation with the closed plane of the blades up to 14-1/2" (368) outside the fire rated partition and come standard with the actuator externally mounted in a side panel allowing for direct service access from the face of the damper through the HVAC grille. The FSD-141-OP is qualified to 2,000 ft/min (10.2 m/s) and 4 in.wg. (1.0 kPa) and may be installed in vertical walls or partitions, or horizontally in floors or assemblies with fire resistance ratings up to 2 hours.
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