700 Series Windows
With beauty designed to last and the options homeowners want, the 700 vinyl window series provides the versatility to fit any project or budget.
700 Casement Window
Strong Thermal Barrier. Sash tightly closes against dual weatherstripping to guard against air infiltration.
Optimized Ventilation. Sash opens a full 90 degrees for maximum fresh air through an interior screen.
Convenient Safeguard. Multi-point locking system securely fastens the sash with a single operation.
Safe and Easy Cleaning. The sash can be quickly cleaned from inside your home.
Reliable Strength. Stainless steel operating hardware provides dependable performance over time.
Sleek Handle. Neatly folds into the base and won’t interfere with drapes and blinds.
Single-handed Operation. Sash easily cranks open with a simple turn of the handle.
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