The SmartMount® Articulating Wall Mount series offers the most versatile installation features and mounting options. Vertical adjustment ability allows for post installation leveling, making it easier than ever to find the perfect display position. With SA740P, extend the display up to 21.8" (554mm) or fully-retract it to just 3.3" (77mm) from the wall for the perfect viewing position. The display can now simply be installed by a single person with the Hook-and-Hang™ system. One-Touch™ tilt technology offers +15°/-5° vertical tilt movement for the ideal viewing angle. Integrated cable management protects, contains and conceals cables for a clean installation.
This display size range is simply a guideline for product selection. Displays larger than the screen size range may still be compatible as long as they fall within the VESA® pattern and max weight of the Peerless-AV® product.Features
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