Peerless-AV’s Hospitality Articulating Wall Mount combines the Paramount™ PA762 kitted with the I-Shaped adaptor to handle hospitality TVs with up to 400x400 VESA® pattern, all while providing versatile and multi-functional features. The abbreviated adaptor size helps to prevent blocking the TV’s power and hospitality input jacks. With PA762-UNM, extend the display up to 21.32" (542mm) or fully-retract it to just 3.00" (76mm) from the wall for the perfect viewing angle. The Hook-and-Hang™ system offers easy, one-person installation of the display. A ratcheting handle provides locking tilt capability for quick adjustments to the amount of tilt, reducing glare and optimizing the viewing angle. Integrated cable management protects, contains and conceals cables for a clean installation.
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Северная Америка |
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Виргинские Острова |
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Острова Теркс и Кайкос |
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