Upward-coiling perforated grille (Model 674) provides an attractive yet functional means to secure areas where public access must be restricted. Perfect for interior applications such as retail, pharmacies and healthcare facilities, the perforated aluminum panels provide security without sacrificing visual access, air circulation or light infiltration.
Available in clear anodized or premium PowderGuard® powder coat finish and with an optional electric operator -- our rolling grilles are well-suited to most any interior environment and application.
High-Performance, Low Maintenance.
These security grilles are built for long-lasting, trouble-free performance. The counterbalance assembly features heavy-duty helical torsion springs in a steel tube or pipe barrel to provide long and reliable service. Guides feature continuous wear strips for ease of operation and noise reduction. Surfaces are factory pre-finished to minimize field preparation and enhance the finish’s durability. Optional crank or electric motor further simplifies grille operation.
Optional Electric Operation
These security grilles are available with an electric operator to provide automatic passage for a variety of commercial and industrial uses, including retail storefronts, schools, pharmacies, healthcare facilities, libraries, and public access buildings. Our commercial operators are designed to work with the Model 674 to ensure precise, smooth and safe operation for years to come. These operators are available with a variety of safety and actuator options that make these grilles suitable for nearly any commercial or retail application. These options include:
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact an Overhead Door Distributor when exact dimensions are required.
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