QuickDrain offers stylish square shower drain cover designs including Stones, Deco and Tile-In and the exclusive Michael Graves Stream Design. Available in 4 in., 5 in. and 6 in. sizes with brushed stainless steel, polished stainless steel, brushed gold, polished gold, matte black, polished black, oil rubbed bronze, and polished rose gold finish options. There are a myriad of ways SquareDrain can turn an average bathroom into a welcome break from the everyday. QuickDrain is more than a drain — it’s a total shower solution.
The QuickDrain SquareDrain Stones decorative shower drain cover is crafted from durable, high quality 16 gauge solid 304 stainless steel and is available in three standard stock sizes, 4 in., 5 in., and 6 in. All covers are available in a brushed stainless steel, polished stainless steel, brushed gold, polished gold, matte black, polished black, oil rubbed bronze, polished rose gold, and compatible to SquareDrain point drains. QuickDrain is more than a drain — it’s a total shower solution.
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