The QuickDrain SquareDrain System is more than a drain — it’s a total shower solution. Square Drain is an elevated point drain shower system that stands out from the rest for its design, ease of use, and versatility –helping homeowners, designers, and installers create a spa-like bathroom experience. The SquareDrain drain bodies are made of 304 stainless steel and are available in three standard sizes, making them the ideal choice for residential and hospitality markets. The SquareDrain Shower System can be installed in two hours, saving time and money. With site-sizable PET QuickSlope panels, universal compatibility with flange adaptors, and multiple waterproofing options, flexibility in design makes the system job-site ready.
Made of 304 stainless steel, the QuickDrain SquareDrain drain body is available in three standard sizes with a vertical waste outlet and finish options to match your decorative drain cover. SquareDrain is an elevated point drain shower system that stands out from the rest for its design, ease of use and versatility –helping homeowners, designers and installers create a spa-like bathroom experience. QuickDrain is more than a drain — it’s a total shower solution.
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