The CladiFab Prefab Wll System is a complete prefabricated wall system, encompassing insulation, vapor and water barriers, smoke seals, and connectors for direct slab connections. This system isn't just about building walls; it's about exceeding expectations in aesthetics and energy efficiency.
The system is a sustainable, lightweight, high-performing external envelope panel with multi-surface architectural finish options.
The honeycomb core forms the foundation of the prefab wall panels. The structural integrity of the panels allows for more extensive span coverages and permits window system integration without any additional structural requirements.
The panels are lightweight, allowing for manhandling and floor-by-floor installation from inside the building structure, minimize site work, and are packed with thermal, air, water, and vapor barriers. They are also equipped with an integrated drainage system that allows for rainscreen classification, which aims to supplement system performance.
The connections to the building were designed to sit off the slab to bypass construction tolerances and minimize connection points for less thermal bridging.
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