Max Secure’s Endura Series 8 Point Restraint Bed is ideal for facilities who wish to provide the best in terms of security and comfort to their residents. The 8 point restraint system installed directly into the bed allows your staff to safely and humanely restrain residents when that extra measure of security is called for.
Max Secure manufactures our psychiatric restraint beds using our industry-leading advanced proprietary Herculite polymer, making our prison beds secure, safe, and the perfect choice to withstand continuous use in institutional environments such as psychiatric facilities, jails and prisons. Comfort, safety, and humanity were at the forefront of our minds while designing this psychiatric restraint bed, and it shows!
Our 8 Point Restraint Bed is designed for straps to be used at each of the recessed restraint points. Hand cuffs, foot cuffs, or center point straps may be attached to each point, depending on the type of strap your facility prefers. Each restraint point opening is 3 ½ x 2 ½ inches, with a 2-inch curved back depth, allowing straps to be quickly inserted and tied down securely. Consequently, our restraint bed fulfills all your resident room security needs.
Max Secure’s research and development team has been solving issues specific to the corrections and institutional furniture industries for over 40 years. Thanks to our extensive experience, our team is able to design industry-leading products with a high-level of functionality and an aesthetic appeal that will compliment your facility’s space.
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