The electrical control panel MZ2 pilotes opening skylights, smoke vents and windows, for natural ventilation and Smoke and heat exhaust.
Piloted by internal BUS 24Vcc, the MZ2 control panel controls the electrical actuators (linear drives and chain motors) equipping the opening systems. Totally modular, from 16A to 144A, the MZ2 control panel is evolutionary and customizable via PC MZ2 configuration software.
The modular power supply of the MZ2 offers numerous technical advantages and are designed to meet the specifications of energy saving equipments (regulations: EnEV). Our equipments, tested by a laboratory related to the AFNOR (FRENCH NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION), meet the certification requirements for smoke
Техническая спецификация
Уникальная ссылкаMZ2_16A
Тип продукцииDésenfumage naturel
Группа продукцииCommandes
ТипОбъект (один объект)
Дата публикации2020-02-11
Номер версии1
Разработано вФранция
Категория BIMobjectПротивопожарное оборудование - Противодымная вентиляция
Классификация IFCОбъект
Название по ССКПУ ООНFire protection
Код Uniclass 2015Ss_65_40_80_80
Описание Uniclass 2015Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems
Номер OmniClass23-29 27 11
Наименование OmniClassFire Fighting Smoke Extractors