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CBT 1000 Constant Beamwidth Technology ™ Adjustable Coverage Line Array Column
CBT 1000 Constant Beamwidth Technology ™ Adjustable Coverage Line Array Column
CBT 1000 Constant Beamwidth Technology ™ Adjustable Coverage Line Array Column
CBT 1000 Constant Beamwidth Technology ™ Adjustable Coverage Line Array Column
CBT 1000 Constant Beamwidth Technology ™ Adjustable Coverage Line Array Column
JBL Professional

CBT 1000 Constant Beamwidth Technology ™ Adjustable Coverage Line Array Column

Constant Beamwidth Technology ™ Adjustable Coverage Line Array Column with Asymmetrical Vertical Coverage and Tapered Horizontal Coverage
Expanding upon our highly successful Constant Beamwidth Technology™ breakthrough, the CBT1000 represents the next-generation in pattern control consistency utilizing adjustable vertical coverage and a tapered horizontal waveguide to increase the versatility of aiming the coverage of the loudspeaker to more accurately map to the room geometry in a wide variety of listening spaces.


  • Asymmetrical vertical coverage sends more sound toward far area of room to make front-to-back sound levels more consistent.
  • Components: Twenty-four (24) 25 mm (1 in) extra-high-power soft dome tweeters and six (6) 165 mm (6-1/2”) high-excursion LF drivers arranged coaxially.
  • Constant Beamwidth Technology™ provides constant directivity up to the highest frequencies and reduces out of coverage lobing.
  • Vertical pattern coverage is individually adjustable through a range of four (4) “Pattern Up” angles and four (4) “Pattern Down” coverage angles for a total of sixteen (16) different coverage combinations, all without the use of external DSP processing.
  • Patent-pending Tapered Horizontal Waveguide provides a continuously varying horizontal dispersion (very wide for short-throw, narrower for long-throw) delivering superior coverage in both the front and rear corners of a room.
  • Single-speaker room coverage at high SPL, with little over-splash and strong bass response down to below 40 Hz.
  • Switchable voicing provides flat response in music mode or mid-range presence peak in speech mode.
  • Swivel (pan)/tilt wall bracket included.

Keywords: Harman

    Components Six (6) 165 mm (6.5 in) LF drivers Twenty-four (24) 25 mm (1 in) HF drivers
    Frequency Range (-10 DB) 45 Hz – 20 kHz
    Sensitivity (2.83V@ 1m) 102 dB (at highest sensitivity setting: “Point” pattern up, “Point” pattern down, “Speech” voicing, in free space); 95 dB (at lowest sensitivity setting: “Medium” pattern up,“Downfill” pattern down, “Music” voicing in free space)
    Nominal Impedance 4 ohms (4 ohms above 1 kHz; 8 ohms below 800 Hz)
    Power Capacity 1500 W (6000 W peak), 2 hrs; 1000 W (4000 W peak), 100 hrs
    Maximum Input Voltage 65.0 Volts RMS (2 hrs), 130.0 Volts Peak
    Max SPL Highest directivity setting: (“Point” pattern up, “Point” pattern down) with “Speech” voicing: 131 dB continuous average pink noise, 134 dB continuous program, 137 dB Peak
    Max SPL Highest directivity setting: (“Point” pattern up, “Point” pattern down) with “Music” voicing: 127 dB continuous average pink noise, 130 dB continuous program, 133 dB peak
    Max SPL Lowest directivity setting: (“Medium” pattern up, “Downfill” pattern down) with “Speech” voicing: 128 dB continuous average pink noise, 131 dB continuous program, 134 dB peak
    Max SPL Lowest directivity setting: (“Medium” pattern up, “Downfill” pattern down) with “Music” voicing: 124 dB continuous average pink noise, 127 dB continuous program, 130 dB peak
    Vertical Coverage Settings Coverage is effective (frequency response similar) beyond the traditional -6 dB coverage angles. This is especially useful in compensating for differences in listening distances. Figures show both the -6 dB and -12 dB coverage angles (at 3 kHz). Angles are in reference to cabinet aiming axis. Pattern UP Settings: “Point”: -6dB @ +7°, -12 dB @ +12° “Tight”: -6dB @ +9°, -12 dB @ +15° “Narrow”: -6dB @ +10°, -12 dB @ +20° “Medium”: -6dB @ +13°, -12 dB @ +24° Pattern DOWN Settings: “Point”: -6dB @ -7°, -12 dB @ -12° “Narrow”: -6dB @ -10°, -12 dB @ -20° “Broad”: -6dB @ -17°, -12 dB @ -28° “Downfill”: -6dB @ -20°, -12 dB @ -35°
    Horizontal Coverage -pending Tapered Horizontal Waveguide continuously variable. Long-throw (top) section: 100° Middle section: 130° Short-throw (bottom) section: 160°
    Recommended High-Pass 35Hz, 24 dB/oct or greater
    Low Frequency Drivers 6 pcs, 165 mm (6.5 in) drivers, lightweight neodymium motors, 50 mm (2.0 in) diameter voice coils, copper-capped pole tips to minimize flux modulation and linearize inductance, 16 mm (0.63 in) long coil for high linear drive and high power handling, damped blended textile surround, coated cones for moisture, UV and salt resistance. Magnetically shielded.
    High Frequency Drivers 24 pcs, 25 mm (1 in) drivers, neodymium, encased magnet and coated diaphragm for moisture, UV, and salt resistance.
    Enclosure Fiberglass reinforced ABS cabinet, powder coated 1050 aluminum grille
    Outdoor Capability IP-55 rated, per IEC529, when installed with optional MTC-PC2 cover. ASTM G85 for acid-air/salt-spray (200 hrs.).
    Colors Black (RAL9004) or White (-WH) (RAL9016)
    Insert Points 14 individual M8 inserts on back panel (20 mm deep) for use with swivel (pan)/tilt bracket(s), forged-shoulder steel eyebolts, swivel rings, and after-market third-party brackets, plus 4 individual M8 inserts on top and 4 on bottom of cabinet end-caps.
    Mounting Included two-part swivel (pan)/tilt wall bracket provides continuously variable +/- 45 degree left-right swivel aiming (at no up/down tilt – see Bracket Guide for maximum swivel range at various up/down tilt angles), +/- 15 degree tilt in 1 degree fixed increment points. Fourteen (14) threaded mounting points located on back panel of cabinet conform to industry standard rectangular 127 x 70 mm (5.0 x 2.75 in) pattern for legacy OmniMount® and other compatible third-party brackets. Four (4) threaded mount points on the top end-cap and four (4) on the bottom end-cap. Threaded mounting points can be utilized for suspension. (Always use multiple mounting points.)
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 1020 mm x 250 mm x 345 mm (40.2 x 9.9 x 13.6 in)
    Net Weight (cabinet): 24.5 kg (54 lbs)
    Shipping Weight 38.6 kg (85 lbs)
    Included Accessories Two-piece swivel (pan)/tilt wall bracket
    Optional Accessories MTC-PC2 terminal panel cover MTC-CBT1K-ACC1 Accessory kit includes: 2 pcs MTC-CBT-FM3 flush-mount brackets 1 pc MTC-CBT-OS3 offset bracket (for CBT 1000+1000E array – works in conjunction with CBT 1000E’s included Coupler Plate for locating CBT 1000E extension cabinet above CBT 1000 instead of below it) MTC-CBT-SUS3 CBT Series suspension bracket kit (2 pcs included to provide top and bottom attachment points)

Техническая спецификация
  • Уникальная ссылкаCBT-1000-Constant-Beamwidth-Technology-Adjustable-Coverage-Line-Array-Column
  • Тип продукцииInstalled Sound
  • Группа продукцииLine Array Speakers
  • ТипОбъект (один объект)
  • Дата публикации2019-06-22
  • Номер версии1
  • Разработано вСоединенные Штаты Америки
  • Страна-производительСоединенные Штаты Америки
  • Категория BIMobjectЭлектроника - Аудио
  • Классификация IFCОбъект
  • Код ETIMEC000682
  • Название ETIMLoudspeaker set
  • Название по ССКПУ ООНAudio and visual presentation and composing equipment
  • Код ССКПУ ООН4511
  • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_70_75_36_50
  • Описание Uniclass 2015Loudspeakers
  • Код CSI MasterFormat 201411 52 00
  • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Audio-Visual Equipment
  • Номер OmniClass23-37 15 29 11 13
  • Наименование OmniClassLoudspeakers

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