The F1A-FG Steelheart Series Upright single section freezer with a full glass door is a space saving workhorse. Solid state control system with temperature alarms and LED display (°F or °C). With a net capacity of 23.1 cubic feet this efficient upright freezer and front air flow design is perfect for hot/tight kitchens. The F1A-FG is constructed of stainless steel, which protects this unit from accidental damage and rust. Plus, it is easy to clean.
The F1A-FG also includes Interior LED light bars are vertically mounted on each wall, (4) 4" stem casters (2 with brakes) are standard, plus a field reversible, spring assisted self closing door with stay open feature (no kit req’d). Electrical consumption of 7.73 kWh/day at 8.5 Amps, 10 ft long cord with a 5 – 15P NEMA plug. Optional kits: 6" Legs, Epoxy or stainless steel shelves, Tray/pan slides, Foot pedal door opener, Additional air filter. The unit is ETL Safety (US & C) Listed, ETL Sanitation and includes a six years parts warranty, five years labor warranty, and seven years compressor warranty.
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