Delivering safety for a better birthing experience
In labor and delivery, time and safety are top of mind and every second counts. We have designed every detail of the Affinity® 4 birthing bed to help make the birthing process safe for the patient and caregiver.
Additional back saving features like the no lift Stow and Go foot section and ergonomic push handles make the Affinity 4 a smart choice for caregivers.
Two Design Options Available
Stow and Go® No-lift Patient Foot Section
Convenient, stow away foot section stores under the bed, eliminating lifting and saving you valuable space in the birthing suite.
Light Weight Lift-Off Foot Section
Lightweight and easy to handle, the foot section stores on a built-in stand keeping the mattress of the floor.
EasyGlide® Calf Supports
Wider support with a strong release lever that can be actuated from any angle with one hand.
Ergonomic blue handles with integrated IV pole cradle
Posture and efficiency were taken into consideration with this option to the Affinity 4 Bed. Caregiver posture is naturally directed to a comfortable position with the angled design of these handles.
You can also transfer 2 IV poles at once without assistance because of the IV pole cradle that is built into these handles.
Integrated IV Poles
Integrated IV poles offer a permanent solution for ease of transporting fluids.
Line Managers
Optional line managers offer you the ability to maximize the organization and efficiency of your medical equipment lines.
Battery Backup
With battery backup, you can use all the bed’s features, including changing height and position, when you’re away from an outlet, reducing the time from “decision to incision” in critical situations.
Other features
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