As an update on the popular HB675 Bi-fold Flush Pull, the HB678 has been developed with flexibility in mind using an integrated D Handle within the flush pull itself.
The HB678 does double duty as both flush pull and pull handle.
Useful where flush mounting is required, and the additional grip of a pull handle is desirable. Useful where flush mounting is required, but the additional grip of a pull handle is desirable. These are suitable for sliding doors, pivot, or bi-fold doors and cabinetry. Unlike our other options suitable for bi-fold, hinge, or pivot doors, the HB678 is a non-handed pull.
Ball bearings in the casing hold the D Handle in place when closed. For the longer 250mm long version, please see the HB679.
All flush pulls have invisible fixing for a pared back contemporary look. Sold individually.
Material: Diecast zinc
Flush pulls : 170mm x 50mm x 19mm
Suitable for timber or aluminum doors. HB604 timber fixing kit not required for aluminum doors.
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