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GUBI 1.0 Dining Table - 60cm
GUBI 1.0 Dining Table - 60cm
GUBI 1.0 Dining Table - 60cm

    GUBI 1.0 Dining Table - 60cm

    The GUBI 1.0 Dining Table, designed by GUBI, is driven by the theme of lightness. 

    The slender central column base makes a beautiful impact on its light expression and visual simplicity. 

    With its rounded or squared table top in various sizes and finishes, the GUBI 1.0 Dining Table is a smaller dining table that encourages interactions and facilitating conversations and becomes ideal for the smaller kitchen as well as for contract spaces.

      • Product Net Weight Kg:39.75
      • Gross Weight Kg:55.39
      • Gross Height Meter:0.1
      • Gross Length Meter:0.1
      • Gross Depth Meter:0.1
      • Shape:Round
      • Table Dimensions Ox H Lx Wx H:Ø60 x 59,5 cm
    Техническая спецификация
    • Уникальная ссылкаgubi-1-0-dining-table-60cm
    • ТипОбъект (один объект)
    • Дата публикации2024-09-20
    • Номер версии1
    • Категория BIMobjectМебель - Столы

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