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GFR3100, Heated Safety Station with Eyewash, Top Inlet
Guardian Equipment

GFR3100, Heated Safety Station with Eyewash, Top Inlet

Heated Safety Station with Eyewash, Top Inlet

Application: In areas where electricity is available, heat-traced safety stations provide excellent protection against freezing. Units are heated by self-limiting heat tracing cable wrapped around internal pipe. Thermostat regulates heating. Units are insulated and jacketed for protection against weather. Since units are intended for use in cold weather conditions, consideration should be given to supplying unit with tempered water in accordance with ANSI Z358.1-2014. See “Tempering Units” section for more information.

Shower Head: 10” diameter orange ABS plastic with 20 GPM flow control.

Shower Valve: 1” IPS brass stay-open ball valve. Valve is US-made with brass ball and Teflon® seals. Furnished with stainless steel actuating arm and 29” stainless steel pull rod.

Spray Head Assembly: Freeze-resistant spray head assembly incorporates float off dust covers and internal flow control.

Eyewash Valve: 1/2” IPS brass three-way self-draining stay-open ball valve. Valve is US-made with brass ball and Teflon® seals. Valve has 1/2” NPT female drain port to permit water to drain from spray heads after use.

Jacket/Insulation: UV-resistant orange ABS plastic jacket with removable polyethylene foam insulation. Jacket sections are secured with removable stainless steel screws for easy maintenance.

Heating Cable: Self-regulating heat tracing cable with external braid guards. Heating is controlled by thermostat that shuts heat off when ambient temperature is over 50°F. Cable is FM and CSA approved.

Electrical System: Unit is fully wired at the factory. Junction box and components are rated for Class 1, Division 2, Groups B, C and D. System requires a 120 VAC, single phase power supply.

Pipe and Fittings: Schedule 40 galvanized steel.

Supply: 1-1/4” NPT female top inlet.

Sign: Furnished with ANSI-compliant identification sign.

Quality Assurance: Unit is fully assembled and factory tested prior to shipment.

SSH Stainless steel shower head.
HV 240 volt heat tracing.
TL Heat trace indicator light.
SP Scald protection valve.
FP Freeze protection valve.
ALG Green area light.

0 No alarm
1 Double pole, double throw flow switch only(for remote sensing capability)
3 Alarm horn and remote sensing capability
5 Light and remote sensing capability
7 Alarm horn, light and remote sensing capability.
Техническая спецификация
  • Уникальная ссылкаguardian-equipment-019
  • Тип продукцииSanitary
  • Группа продукцииEye Wash Fountains
  • ТипОбъект (один объект)
  • Дата публикации2015-02-27
  • Номер версии1
  • Разработано вСоединенные Штаты Америки
  • Страна-производительСоединенные Штаты Америки
  • Категория BIMobjectСантехника - Сантехника

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