TERRAKOTTA Natural Brick
Size: WFD = Flat 23,5 x 6,3 cm - Corner 11 + 23,5 x 6,3 cm
Thickness: 2,5 cm
BIM IMAGE SIZE: base 80 cm
Each MODEL comes with FLAT and CORNER PIECES.
The Terrakotta facing brick, in the NATURAL BRICK version, keeps intact the charm and the characteristics of the traditional brick tested over the centuries. The mixtures handed down for generations and perfected in their cohesion and hold, are cooked in the oven at 800 ° C - 1000 ° C. The substantial innovation consists in cutting the front part of the brick for the formation of strips of a few centimeters thick, suitable for installation on any surface that, once filled, will be indistinguishable from the traditional load-bearing brick walls.
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о-в Мэн |
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