This impressive electric fireplace, spanning 80” in length, is designed to make a bold statement in any space. Its size and elegant appearance are perfect for commercial environments like lobbies, waiting rooms, and common areas, where it can add warmth and sophistication. It’s also a stunning accent piece for residential spaces, bringing a luxurious and welcoming ambiance into homes. Comes standard as single-sided and includes conversion kits to 3-sided and corner configurations.
European Home is pleased to offer Sustainable Hearth™. Developed internally at European Home, the impetus for Sustainable Hearth™ was to respond to the building industry’s demands for electric fireplaces with a strong aesthetic appeal yet leaning into affordability.
Designed and developed by European Home
Realistic Flame Effects
Flame Height and Speed Adjustment
Preset Flame Options
Remote Control
Built-in Heater
UL Listed
Savings of 24% to 60%
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