The Signal line of fireplaces offers a more affordable option with the same sleek, frameless design that’s common in high-end gas models. With the popular 60” width, this model is ideal for those seeking a modern aesthetic without compromising quality, all while benefiting from the trusted reputation of European Home. Comes standard as single-sided and includes conversion kits to 3-sided and corner configurations.
European Home is pleased to offer Sustainable Hearth™. Developed internally at European Home, the impetus for Sustainable Hearth™ was to respond to the building industry’s demands for electric fireplaces with a strong aesthetic appeal yet leaning into affordability.
Designed and developed by European Home
Realistic Flame Effects
Flame Height and Speed Adjustment
Preset Flame Options
Remote Control
Built-in Heater
UL Listed
Savings of 24% to 60%
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