LZS8WSLK ezH2O® Bottle Filling Station with Single ADA Cooler Filtered Refrigerated Light Gray. Chilling Capacity of 8.0 GPH (gallons per hour) of 50 degrees F drinking water, based on 80 degrees F inlet water and 90 degrees F ambient, per ASHRAE 18 testing. Features shall include Antimicrobial*, Filtered, Green Ticker™, Hands Free, Laminar Flow, Real Drain, Visual Filter Monitor. Furnished with Flexi-Guard ® Safety Bubbler. Electronic Bottle Filler Sensor with Electronic Front and Side Bubbler Pushbar activation. Product shall be Wall Mount (On Wall), for Indoor applications, serving1 station(s). Unit shall be certified to UL 399 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No.120.
Keywords: elkay lzs8wslk, elkay drinking fountain with bottle filler, elkay water fountain with bottle filler, elkay water fountain, elkay ezh2o, drinking water fountains, drinking fountain with bottle filler filter replacement, high low drinking fountain, elkay bottle fillers, bottle filler station, ada drinking fountain, bottle refill station, water fountain pressure adjustment, double drinking fountain, water bottle with timer, water fountain flow adjustment, ezh2o bottle filling station, water cooler with bottle filler, residential bottle filler, recessed bottle filler, Single ADA Cooler, disposable plastic bottles
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